During the scheduled maintenance window, we released the following items to the production environment with new features, services, and enhancements.




NEW Client Financial Settings

  • Investors can now automate financial requests at the client level and all changes to the automated schedule are captured in history
    • Please Note: If global financial settings are set for the channels which the client belongs, client specific settings will override the global settings for the client 
      • For more information, click HERE


Global Financials – History Added

  • A history log has been implemented for Manage Financials so investors can track their bulk request actions
    • For more information, click HERE


Client Financials - Added Warning Message 

  • To help prevent duplicate requests, a warning message now displays when investors request financials that have already been uploaded by the lender
    • For more information, click HERE




Enhanced Agency Approvals

  • Implemented Inline editing
  • Added the ability to upload agency approval letters directly to the agency approval section so all investor partners can access the disclosed information in the same place
    • For more information, click HERE


Bug Fixes:

  • Manage Channels
    • Screen Message Wrapping
    • Manage Channels - Percent sign added for ownership verification
  • Client Profile - Business Tax ID should be 9 digits